Is there anything from your childhood that you liked doing, but as a kid you didn’t know it was your passion? Have you ever thought about certain things you liked doing as a child that brought you joy?
Maybe you liked to build tall skyscrapers with building blocks or Lego's. Perhaps your thing was drawing or painting beautiful pictures. When you were old enough to use the kitchen appliances, you may have enjoyed cooking or preparing snacks for yourself or others. There are many things you and I joyfully engaged in as children and mine was writing.
Discovering My Passion
I remember my first writing was in the 4th grade. I was encouraged to write by my English teacher, Mr. Dupont who had given me good remarks about my English class assignments, so I thought I would write a play for the class. Mr. Dupont encouraged the entire class to engage in creative writing. He announced that we would have the opportunity to read our writings during one of our classes. And excitement rose in my little eight-year-old heart.
I don’t remember what the play was about, but I do remember writing a part for everyone in the class including my teacher, and that I almost missed the opportunity to share with the class. However, on the last day of school, while we did not get to enact the play, I was finally able to read half of it before the class. The feedback from my peers and teacher was very positive, but it wasn’t until years later during my senior year of high school that I really discovered my passion for writing.
When Passion Collides with Struggles
Through the years of schooling, writing didn’t seem to be so great. I can honestly say writing was more like a chore to me and this is where I really didn’t feel like writing was my thing. I had seemingly lost my passion before it had a real chance to blossom. Writing research papers and reports was so mundane, lacking any thrill or flavor factors. I didn’t get that swell of joy in my heart or that tickling sensation like smelling a most delicious meal bubbling on the stove. Even worse, those mundane assignments caused me anxiety and I absolutely dreaded senior English class until…the very last semester of school when creative writing was introduced.
Passion Reignited
In creative writing, the assignments involved writing freestyle poems and stories where I had to follow a structure yet be creative with my words. It gave me the freedom to flow, to express myself in ways that felt like exhaling. I was able to write that which produced joy within my spirit. After getting the assignments, I looked forward to doing them since there was such an ease in getting them done. I maintained good grades throughout the year in English class but did even better the last semester and did so without being overwhelmed with pressure since I was having fun. I realized that writing was indeed something that gave me fulfillment as it did so many years ago in 4th grade!
Are You Discovering or Operating in Your Passion?
Have you had a breakthrough moment with something you thought was not for you, but then you realized through a different opportunity it was exactly the desire of your heart?
If you have, then you’re not alone. Discovering my passion and desire to write as a kid was a roller-coaster, but through key experiences, I was able to find and hold on to what brought me joy. I was encouraged to keep writing by listening to those little nudges, that still small voice that spoke to me and reassured me that I was made for this.
How about you? Have you listened to that little voice, those little tugs at your heart?
Comment below or email me back. I’d love to hear about your journey!
"Have you had a breakthrough moment with something you thought was not for you, but then you realized through a different opportunity it was exactly the desire of your heart?"
That part!!! this really hit home for me. I had this experience a few times over the last three years where God has been unveiling these "Truths" to me. Unbeknownst to me, I have a love for things I never knew were even on the inside of me. One that stands out is three years ago when my Dad passed. It was sudden, and I found myself dumfounded as to making proper arrangements. I reached out to his church, family members, etc...for guidance and resources. So when it came t…